It is enough! You’ve tried everything. And yet there is still a gaping void in your Facebook post. Maybe you should give the Facebook Like Hack a try after all. But what do you actually know about it? And can you trust the method?
We explain how the Like Hack works and the risks involved. We then present three alternatives.
What exactly is a hack?
As you can imagine, mince isn’t about pork. The term comes from English and is mainly used in the IT sector. In its original meaning, it describes a kind of tinkering in which a tech-savvy person wants to solve a problem using an unusual method.
A key element here is misappropriation. An object (or method) finds application in a field for which it was not originally designed. The German journalist and computer activist Wau Holland symbolized this principle with a coffee machine that is used to warm up a slice of bread.
Beyond the technical sector, hacks are also becoming increasingly popular for “normal life”. So-called life hacks help us to master everyday things better – by breaking new ground:
For example, toothpaste is used to fill drill holes in order to save a trip to the hardware store and a few pennies. Cardboard rolls, for example, toilet paper, do not end up in the trash can, but are used to store cables neatly. And those who hold nails with clothespins will no longer hit their fingers with a hammer.
And the Facebook Like Hack? So this is a method to increase the number of Facebook likes effectively and in an unusual way. How exactly this works is explained in the next section.
This is how the Facebook Likes Hack works
If you type the keyword “Facebook Likes Hack” into Google, the search engine will spit out 37,100,000 results in 0.76 seconds. Countless YouTube videos and blog posts reveal step-by-step how you can use the Facebook Likes Hack.

This includes hundreds of apps and websites where you can get started right away. Since most hacks work according to the same principle and we want to save you the search, we have written detailed instructions here.
1. Change settings
Sign in to Facebook and check your settings. If you want to receive likes for posts on your private profile, you should change the privacy settings accordingly. This means that your profile and content must be public and likable for all non-friend Facebook users.
If it is a fan page, the posts are usually public. However, you may have to remove country and age restrictions so that every user can like your page, regardless of age and origin.
2. Allow app
Once you have decided on a service, you must allow the app on the page. You will then receive a success notification. With a click on the button, you will obtain your token for authentication in the next step.
A new window is opening up. Here you copy the URL and paste it into the appropriate field on the original page. The app now has access to your account.
3. Collect likes
Now you can log in to the Like Hack and select a service. Would you like to receive likes on your profile picture or the latest post? Or increase the likes of your fan page? You have the choice!
What exactly happens now?
The principle of Facebook Likes Hack is simple. The system has access to the account of every user registered there and acts on their behalf – without the user having to lift a finger or even being aware of his “own” activities.
Example: Thomas signed up for the Facebook Likes Hack to get more likes for his profile picture. Now the profiles of the other users become active and click on “Like”.
But it is literally the profiles that become active and not the people behind them. For example, Sandra doesn’t know that she likes Thomas’ profile photo because she never actually sees it.
A brilliant prank! Because: Thomas is liked by real, active profiles and does not have to rely on bots. They usually have neither a profile photo nor any activity, which is why you can quickly expose them as fake accounts.
But what happens if we give control of our account to someone else?
Risks & side effects
The word “hack” basically has a double meaning. “Hack” means something like trick or trick in English. Another meaning, which is very common, especially in the age of the Internet, is that of hacking – i.e. when someone illegally penetrates an external system in order to damage it.

This is exactly what happens with the Facebook Likes Hack. Knowingly! Thomas voluntarily gave away his login data. This gets him more likes for his profile picture, but otherwise just a lot of trouble.
For example, Thomas can’t control who likes his profile picture. He doesn’t really want to get involved with some users because they have different political or religious views, for example. And yet he now has a Like on his profile from the relevant users.
Facebook accounts that are managed by unknown third parties are also used by hacks for far more than the user originally thought. Thomas will post spam comments for dubious services everywhere. He will send private messages to his friends, which, in addition to a nice greeting, will also contain dangerous viruses.
Thomas may also quickly become a supporter of radical parties and diligently subscribe to other content that is banned on Facebook. All these activities, which are registered by Facebook, can in the worst case lead to the suspension or deletion of his account – without prior notice.
The dream of many likes quickly ended. After all, without an account, no posts can be made, let alone liked.
Why do we take these risks?
Despite its comparatively young history, Facebook has played an enormous role in our society. And that is actually every country on earth (except for the countries where Facebook was banned by the government – which ultimately also gives the network great importance).
Facebook is important for private individuals and companies alike. The platform offers space for holiday photos, engagement announcements, New Year’s Eve parties, weight loss challenges, and discarded pieces of furniture that are offered for sale in junk groups.
Companies are expanding their marketing mix by opening up new target groups, using Facebook’s advertising formats, and reinventing themselves with targeted campaigns and professional community management.
The purpose of all these activities is to evoke a reaction from the other person. Regular interaction in the form of likes, comments, and shares also increases the reach of the profile or page.
Every uncommented change in the relationship status, every unseen video is, therefore, a bitter disappointment. School children are bullied, lovers question their new relationships and companies fear for their sales if they don’t get cheap likes on Facebook Page. The heavier the failure, the more careless the means of quickly reaching the goal.
Sharing Facebook log-in data with completely unknown websites is just as nonsensical as disclosing your PIN for online banking – the damage can be enormous.
If you want or have to fulfill an important mission on Facebook, you should use alternative means to get more likes. And even if not every method brings thousands of new Facebook likes overnight, it is at least more sustainable than a hacked account.
What alternatives are there?
If you’re managing a Facebook Page and looking to grow it, here are a few less “destructive” tips:
1. Send invitations
It is not uncommon for users to like individual posts, but they are not yet a fan of the site. Here’s a simple trick to turn users who already seem interested into fans. To do this, simply click on the number of likes that the post has achieved.
An overview of all profiles that have marked the post with “Like” will then open. To the right of the username, you will see a button labeled “Invite”. Click on it and the user will receive an invitation to like your page.

Of course, the success rate will not be 100%. However, you will be surprised how many Facebook users gratefully accept your invitation. The method is not intended for work-shy administrators, since each user has to be invited individually.
However, the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. Because anyone who has already become aware of your posts will most likely also react to your posts in the future as soon as they have subscribed to you.
And don’t forget your friends! If you manage a fan page, you should first invite your Facebook friends to practice using the appropriate button to like the page. It becomes even more personal if you send private messages with a short text.
2. Place ads
Companies in particular can spend part of their marketing budget on Facebook Ads. The fairly simple handling and the possibility of making target group-specific settings make it a popular tool.
Facebook Ads are not free from criticism either. For example, people are puzzled over how useful the ads really are and whether there are fake accounts behind the users who generate the number of clicks – and thus the advertising revenue.
In addition, the organic reach of sites seems to be falling further and further, admins report that their fans no longer see posts in the newsfeed that were not sponsored by Facebook Ads.
Is there a conspiracy behind it? Does Facebook want to promote monetization through targeted manipulation of the algorithm? We can’t do more than speculate, the giant doesn’t let anyone look at his cards.
What you as an entrepreneur should definitely be aware of: Facebook Ads cannot be compared with Google Ads. Ads on Facebook cannot directly boost sales because most users have no intention of making a purchase.
However, Facebook ads can help attract more users to individual posts and to your fan page. What content you post there regularly and how your site appears overall determines whether you can retain users.
3. Buy fans and post likes
If you are looking for a quick and effective solution, you can buy Facebook Likes for photos. The packages can be ordered in just a few steps and a short time later the meter readings increase. Depending on the provider, the amount, the nationality of the users, or the daily increase can be determined.
It is important with this solution that you check the providers meticulously. Quite a few service providers promise the moon, but then simply don’t deliver. Money back is very rare. Missing contact details or imprints should make you sit up and take notice.
Before you pull out your wallet, simply call the provider or place a test order. So you can separate the wheat from the chaff before you mourn the lost money.

In general, even with reputable providers, the purchase is not a long-term solution. Many Post likes cannot hide bad content or save you the work that makes a good Facebook page.
As the last tip, we would like to give you that quality comes before quantity. If you want to be consistently successful on Facebook, you should develop a battle plan based on sustained growth. And hold your breath…
Stay away from the Facebook Likes Hack
Anyone who uses Facebook Likes Hack is playing with fire. Before you reveal your login details to dubious apps, think twice about the importance of your project. The harm far outweighs the benefit.
With alternative methods, you may not achieve results that are quite as quick. But you protect yourself from getting a permanent ban. And that should be worth the effort.